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Exhibition "Celestial" 03.08. - 31.10.2024.

EXHIBITION OPENING: 03.08. Saturday @20h

Dizajn izložbenog postava i keramike: Bojana Vuksanović dipl. arch.

Pokrovitelji: Cresanka.d.d, Ministarstvo kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske, Grad Cres, Brodogradilište Cres d.d. 

U suradnji sa Turističkom zajednicom Grada Cresa

Exhibition design and ceramic: Bojana Vuksanović dipl. arch.

Exhibition sponsors: Cresanka.d.d, Ministary of culture of Republic Croatia, City of Cres, Shipyard Cres d.d. 


Thursday: Closed because of rain

Friday closed. You can find me at local fair/ art and local product market at main city square from 19h-23h

Saturday: 17h-21h

Sunday: 17h-21h


The Cres Tower was part of the defensive walls built at the beginning of the 16th century during the rule of the Venetian Republic. The original urban core is located in the eastern part of the town, between the port and the area called Zagrad. In the 16th century, the Venetian administration erected new city walls and a system of corner towers.

The walls protected the city from all four sides, with circular towers at each corner—four in total: two on the seaside and two on the landside, serving as observation posts.

Four round ones: Fortis, the old kindergarten and market, and the tower, and one square tower at the end of Turion Street.

The tower on the hill next to the old town core is the only preserved tower out of the former five that constituted the fortification system surrounding the town of Cres. It was located at the highest point of the walls and served as an observation post for monitoring enemy incursions from the island's interior. The parts of the walls that ran along Put fortece Street and Zagrebačka Street connected to the tower itself. Due to this position, it had both defensive and reconnaissance functions.

It was built on solid rock from large stone blocks, similar to those used in the construction of the walls. Its three-story division has been preserved since its construction, despite being restored multiple times during the 20th century.

Throughout the past century, the only preserved tower has been renovated several times, maintaining its original appearance. From the tower, there is a view of the harbor, surrounding houses, olive groves, and untouched nature.

With the fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797 and the arrival of Austrian rule, the city's defensive ring gradually collapsed, leaving only this corner tower and the monumental city gate on today's promenade, while the walls themselves became part of the city fabric or were used as building material for roads, the waterfront, and palaces.Creska kula bila je dio obrambenih zidina koje su podignute početkom 16. stoljeća za vrijeme vladavine Mletačke Republike.  Prvobitna urbana jezgra nalazi se u ist. dijelu grada, između luke i predjela zvanoga Zagrad. U XVI. st. mletačka uprava podiže nove gradske zidine i sustav ugaonih kula. 


Creska kula bila je dio obrambenih zidina koje su podignute početkom 16.
stoljeća za vrijeme vladavine Mletačke Republike.  Prvobitna urbana jezgra nalazi se u ist. dijelu grada, između luke i predjela zvanoga Zagrad. U XVI. st. mletačka uprava podiže nove gradske zidine i sustav ugaonih kula. 

Zidine su branile grad sa svih četiriju strana dok su u svakom kutu zidina stajale kružne kule kojih je bilo četiri - dvije s morske, a dvije s kopnene strane, u svrhu promatračnice. 

Četiri okrugle: Fortis, stari vrtić i market, te kula te jedna cetvrtasta na kraju ulice Turion.

Kula na brdu uz staru gradsku jezgru jedina je sačuvana kula od nekadašnjeg pet kula koje su činile fortifikacijski sustav kojim je bio opasan grad Cres. Nalazila se na najvišoj točki zidina i služila je kao promatračnica za nadzor neprijateljskih prodora iz unutarašnjosti otoka. Dijelovi zidina koji su išli ulicom Put fortece i Zagrebačkom ulicom spajali su se na samoj kuli. Zbog tog položaja imala je obrambenu i izviđačku funkciju. 

Građena je na živoj stijeni iz velikih kamenih tesanaca kakvi su se koristili i u izgradnji zidina. Njena troetažna podjela sačuvana je od vremena gradnje iako je kula obnavljana više puta tokom 20.stoljeća.

Tijekom prošlog stoljeća jedina sačuvana kula je nekoliko puta obnavljana, s činjenicom da se njen prvotni izgled nije promjenio. Sa kule se pogled prostire na luku, okolne kućice, maslinike i netaknutu prirodu.

Padom Mletačke Republike 1797. godine i dolaskom Austrijske vlasti obrambeni prsten grada se postepeno ruši a sačuvana je samo ova ugaona kula kao i monumentalna gradska vrata na današnjem šetalištu dok su same zidine urasle u tkivo grada ili su poslužile kao građevinski materijal za izgradnju cesta, rive i palača.

Photos from the exhibition opening/ fotografije sa otvorenja to follow:) Stay tuned:)