Fuck Machine by Charles Bukowski
Set design: Bojana Vuksanović
Direction/adaptation: Neven Samardzić

main scene - the machine

introductory bar scene

final scene - Henry's bedroom
The central piece is the machine - a featureless mechanism controlling all. Henry falls in love with Tanya, a machine with no feelings.
Cast: Kemal Čebo, Mirza Dervišić, Igor Skvarica, Semir Krivić, Belma Salkunić, Alma Terzić; Music: Sasa Peševski
Charles Bukowski's collection of stories available / here /
Many thanks to Osman Arslanagić for his kind help.
Showing 4th of March, 20h, Theater Scena Obala, Sarajevo
Set design: Bojana Vuksanović
Direction/adaptation: Neven Samardzić

main scene - the machine

introductory bar scene

final scene - Henry's bedroom
The central piece is the machine - a featureless mechanism controlling all. Henry falls in love with Tanya, a machine with no feelings.
Cast: Kemal Čebo, Mirza Dervišić, Igor Skvarica, Semir Krivić, Belma Salkunić, Alma Terzić; Music: Sasa Peševski
Charles Bukowski's collection of stories available / here /
Many thanks to Osman Arslanagić for his kind help.
Showing 4th of March, 20h, Theater Scena Obala, Sarajevo